Anyone interested in tracing their genealogy to a Pontius ancestor, those having the last name of Pontius, or any variation of the name, may be members of the association.
All memberships are based on individual memberships.
1-year membership $12.50
2-year membership $24.00
3-year membership $35.00
Junior membership (ages 1 to 21 years w/o Bridge Builder) $4.00
Life membership (69 years and younger) $120.00
Life membership (70 years and older) $100.00
Send completed Membership Application and check to Pontius Family
Association, 21810 Fairmount Blvd, Cleveland OH 44118-4816.
If paying by PayPal, please add $1.00 to cover the processing fees.
Sign into PayPal and use [email protected].
Email Membership Application to [email protected].